System Update Settings, About Device

Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5


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System Update Settings

Use System update options to update your tablet’s internal software.

1.From home, tap System Update Settings Apps > 1.From home, tap  Apps >  Settings > General. Settings > General.

2.Tap System update to use these options:

Download updates manually: Manually check for software update.

Download updates automatically: Check for updates automatically.

Scheduled software updates: Set a time to automatically check for, download, and install software updates.

Update PRL: Download and the latest Preferred Roaming List (PRL), used by your tablet to access the network.

Update Profile: Update the user profile related to your wireless service account. If you choose to change your user name online, use this option to update the user name on your tablet.

UICC Unlock: Unlock your tablet’s Universal Integrated Circuit Card.

About Device

Access important information about your tablet.

1.From home, tap System update Apps > Download updates manually Settings > General.

2.Tap About device, and then tap items for more details:

Software version: View the tablet’s software version.

Hardware version: View the tablet’s hardware version.

Status: View information about your tablet’s current status.

Status information includes helpful information about battery status and level, network information, service, roaming, addresses for IP, MAC, and Bluetooth, and more. It also includes the phone number and username assigned to your tablet.

Legal information: Display open source licenses, Google legal information, System WebView licenses, Samsung legal information, and Privacy Alert.

Report diagnostic info: Improve the quality and performance of Samsung products and services by providing diagnostic and usage data.

Device name: View or edit your tablet’s name.

Model number: View your tablet’s model number.

Android version: View the firmware version of your tablet.

Android security patch level: View your tablet’s Android security patch level.



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System Update Settings, About Device - Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5