Limit retrieval size, Limit retrieval size while roaming, Out of office settings

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7


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Limit retrieval size: Set a limit to the size of email messages you want to receive on your tablet.

Limit retrieval size while roaming: Set a different email size limit when your tablet is on roaming.

Out of office settings: You can set your Out of Office status and auto-reply message right from your tablet.

Folder sync settings: Select which email folders to sync with the server.

Period to sync Calendar: Set the time period for syncing your calendar with the server.

Empty server trash: Delete the content of the trash folder on the server.

In case of sync conflict: Select whether the device or the server has priority during a sync conflict.

Sync Contacts: Sync your Contacts with your Exchange account.

Sync Calendar: Sync your calendar with your Exchange account.

Sync Task: Sync your tasks with your Exchange account.

Security options: Manage encryption and signature options for outgoing email.

Exchange server settings: Modify the Exchange server settings for this email account.

Messaging and Internet


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Limit retrieval size, Limit retrieval size while roaming, Sync Task - Samsung