Sign In to Your Google Account, Factory Reset Protection

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7


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Sign In to Your Google Account

Sign In to Your Google Account

If you have a Google Account but have not yet signed in with your tablet, follow these instructions to sign in to your Google Account.

1.From home, tap Apps 1.From home, tap Apps  > Settings  > Cloud and accounts  > Accounts. > Settings 2.Tap Add account  > Google. > Cloud and accounts Enter your email > Accounts.2.Tap Add account Next > Google.

3.Tap Enter your email, enter your Gmail address, and then tap Next.

4.Follow the prompts to sign in to your Google Account.

You are now signed in to your Google Account, and your tablet will start synchronizing with your Google Account.

Your Google account is listed in Apps Apps > Settings Settings > Cloud and accounts Cloud and accounts >


Factory Reset Protection

When you sign in to a Google Account on your device, Factory Reset Protection (FRP) is activated. Factory Reset Protection prevents other people from using your device if it is reset to factory settings without your permission. For example, if your device is lost or stolen and a factory data reset is performed, only someone with your Google Account username and password can use the device.

You will not be able to access the device after a factory data reset if you do not have your Google Account username and password. For more information, see Factory Data Reset.

Caution: You should remove your Google Account before shipping your device to Samsung or any other service provider for service and before resetting the device to factory settings.

Basic Operations


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Sign In to Your Google Account, Factory Reset Protection - Samsung