Searching by text and voice | 105 |
Voice Action commands
You can search and control your phone with the following Voice Action commands.
| Followed by one or |
Say | more optional | Results | Examples |
| words |
Words you want to |
| Browser opens with | “bike shoes” |
search for |
| the result of your |
| search. |
“Call” followed by a | “home,” “mobile,” or | If there is a single | “Call Mike LeBeau at |
name from your con- | “work” | match, Phone opens | home.” |
tacts |
| and calls the contact. |
| If there is more than |
| one match, you’re |
| prompted to pick the |
| number you want to |
| call. |
“Map of” followed by |
| Maps opens with the | “Map of Golden Gate |
an address, name, |
| result of a Maps | Park, San Francisco.” |
business name, type |
| search for the words |
of business, or other |
| you spoke. |
location |
“Directions to” fol- |
| Maps opens with | “Directions to 1299 |
lowed by an address, |
| directions to your | Colusa Avenue, |
name, business |
| destination, or a list of | Berkeley, California.” |
name, type of busi- |
| possible matching |
ness, or other desti- |
| destinations. |
nation |
“Navigate to,” fol- |
| Maps opens with spo- | “Navigate to Union |
lowed by an address, |
| ken, | Square, San Fran- |
name, business |
| directions to your | cisco.” |
name, type of busi- |
| destination, or a list of |
ness, or other desti- |
| possible matching |
nation |
| destinations. |
Android User’s Guide |