Incoming server settings, Sync contacts, Sync calendar

Samsung Google Nexus S


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Outgoing settings Opens a screen where you can configure settings for how you send email from this account. (Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync accounts do not have separate outgoing server settings.) See “Outgoing server settings” on page 224.

Sync contacts For accounts that can sync contacts, check to sync contacts from this account to your phone. See “Configuring account sync and display options” on page 131.

Sync calendar For accounts that can sync calendars, check to sync calendar events from this account to your phone. See “Configuring account sync and display options” on page 131.

Incoming server settings

Your account’s incoming settings are different, depending on the kind of email service for the account: Exchange ActiveSync, IMAP, or POP3.

Settings for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync accounts:


Domain\UsernameIf your Exchange ActiveSync server requires that



you specify a domain, enter it before the backs-



lash. Otherwise, just enter your username (the



part before the in your email



address) after the backslash. (The backslash is



optional if you’re just entering your username;



Email enters the correct syntax for domains and



usernames when communicating with the








PasswordThe password for your email account.





ServerThe fully resolved hostname of the Exchange



ActiveSync server, for example, owa.exam-





Use secure connectionCheck this option if your Exchange ActiveSync


(SSL)server requires you to connect to the server



securely, or if you prefer to connect securely.





Accept all SSL certifi-Check this option if you want to accept a server


catescertificate from your Exchange ActiveSync



server that is self-signed, out of date, or in some



other way not accepted by the Email application.




Settings for IMAP accounts:



Android User’s Guide

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Incoming server settings, Sync contacts, Sync calendar - Samsung