Searching by text and voice | 106 |
| Followed by one or |
Say | more optional | Results | Examples |
| words |
The name of one of |
| If there is a single | “Mike LeBeau” |
your contacts. |
| match, Contacts |
| opens with details |
| about your contact. |
| Or if there is more |
| than one match, |
| you’re prompted to |
| pick a contact. |
“Call” followed by the |
| Phone calls the | “Call 650 555 1234” |
digits of a phone |
| phone number you |
number |
| spoke. |
“Call” followed by a |
| Voice Search | “Call Native Here |
business name |
| searches Maps for a | Nursery” |
| matching business |
| and then calls it. |
“Go to” followed by a |
| Voice Search | “Go to” |
search string or URL |
| searches for a match- |
| ing web site and if it |
| finds one, opens its |
| URL in Browser. Oth- |
| erwise, it opens the |
| result of a Google |
| search in the Browser. |
“Send SMS” | “To” one or more con- | Voice Search opens a | “Send text to Hugh |
or | tacts | panel where you can | Briss, message, I |
“Send text” | “Message” followed | complete the mes- | can’t wait to show |
| by the message you | sage before sending | you my new shoes, |
| want to send (speak | via the Messenger | period” |
| any punctuation you | application. |
| want to include) |
Android User’s Guide |