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Language & keyboard settings
Use the Language & Keyboard settings to select the language for the text on your phone and for configuring the onscreen keyboard, including words that you’ve added to its dictionary.
Language & Keyboard screen
Select language Opens the Language screen, where you can select the language to use for the text on your phone.
User dictionary Opens a list of the words you’ve added to the dictionary, as described in “Using the onscreen keyboard” on page 31. Touch a word to edit or delete it. Press Menu and touch Add to add a word.
Android keyboard See “Android Keyboard settings screen” on page 372.
Android keyboard checkbox For phones with physical keyboards, uncheck to disable the onscreen keyboard. See “Android Keyboard settings screen” on page 372.
Device keyboard See “Device Keyboard settings screen” on page 373. This setting is available only if your phone has a physical keyboard.
Android Keyboard settings screen
The Android Keyboard settings apply to the onscreen keyboard that is included with your phone. The correction and capitalization features affect only the English version of the keyboard.
Vibrate on keypress Check to have the phone vibrate briefly each time you touch a key on the onscreen keyboard.
Sound on keypress Check to play a brief sound each time you touch a key on the onscreen keyboard.
Popup on keypress Uncheck to prevent a larger image of each key from displaying above the key (out from under your finger) when you touch it.
Touch to correct words Uncheck to turn off the feature that underlines a word in a text field if you touch the word and the keyboard has suggestions for other words you may have intended.
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