Rating and commenting on videos, Give a video the thumbs-upor thumbs-down

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Rating and commenting on videos

You can rate videos by giving them a thumbs up or down and you can comment on videos. You can also add a video to your favorites and even report videos you think are inappropriate.

Use the web version of YouTube to share your written comments about videos.

Give a video the thumbs-up or thumbs-down

SOn a video’s watch screen, touch the thumbs-up icon Rating and commenting on videos or thumbs-down icon Use the web version of YouTube to share your written comments about videos. .

Your vote is added to the tally of viewers who liked or disliked the video, on the video’s watch screen.

Add or remove a video to your Favorites

SOn a video’s watch screen, touch More and touch Favorite or Unfavorite. The video is added (or removed) from your favorites.

Your favorites are available on your My Channel screen. See “Working with channels” on page 303.

Comment on a video

You can share your thoughs about a video with others.1On a video’s watch screen, touch the Comments tab.2Touch the text field the top of the tab.

3Enter your comments in the Post Comment dialog. See “Using the onscreen keyboard” on page 31

4Touch Post.

Flag a video as inappropriate

SOn a video’s watch screen, touch More and touch Flag.

Browser opens and after you sign into YouTube on the web, you’re asked to pick a reason why you think the video is inappropriate, before passing your comments onto Google.


Android User’s Guide

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Rating and commenting on videos, Comment on a video - Samsung