View Photos and Videos, Zoom In or Out on a Photo, View Photos, View Videos

Samsung Galaxy S4


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View Photos and Videos

After selecting an album from the Albums tab, you can browse the photos and videos of that album in either photo pile or grid view. Tap a photo or video to view it in full screen.

Note: If no icons are displayed on the screen in addition to the picture, tap anywhere on the screen to display them.

View Photos

1.From home, tap View Photos and Videos Apps > View Photos Gallery.

2.Tap a thumbnail to view the picture. While viewing a picture full-screen you can use these options:

 Change player Change player: Share the picture with nearby devices.

View Videos Share via: Choose a method for sharing the picture.

 Trim Delete: Erase the current picture.

Zoom In or Out on a Photo Camera: Launch the Camera to take pictures or record video.

View Videos

Tap a video to select it. When the video is displayed full-screen, you can use these options:

Manual background Share: Choose an option for sharing the video.

Manual background Trim: Edit the length of the video.

Manual background Delete: Erase the current video.

Tap Manual background to play the video.

Zoom In or Out on a Photo

There are two ways you can zoom in or out of a photo.

Tap the screen twice quickly to zoom in and then tap the screen twice quickly again to zoom out.

– or –

You can also use pinch and spread to zoom in or out. See Pinch and Spread.

Pictures and Video


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View Photos and Videos, Zoom In or Out on a Photo, View Photos - Samsung