Google Maps, Google Play Movies & TV, Google Play Music, Google Play Newsstand

Samsung Galaxy S4


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Google Maps

Use the Google Maps application to find directions, location information, business addresses, etc. Determine your current location with or without GPS, get driving and transit directions and get phone numbers and addresses for local businesses.

For more information about Google Maps, visit

To use Google Maps, enable your phone’s GPS location services and agree to share location information with Google.

To enable your phone’s GPS Location feature:

1.From home, tap Google Maps Apps > 1.From home, tap  Apps >  Settings > MORE tab > Location. Settings > MORE tab > Location.

2.Tap the ON/OFF switch to enable location services.

To launch the Google Maps application:

From home, and tap Google Play Movies & TV Apps > ■From home, tap  Apps >  Play Movies & TV. Maps.

Google Play Movies & TV

Google Play Movies & TV allows you to watch movies and TV shows purchased on Google Play. You can stream instantly on your Android phone or download so you can watch from anywhere, even when you are not connected. Also, get quick access to your personal video collection, including those taken on your phone.

From home, tap Google Play Music Apps >  Play Music Play Movies & TV.

Google Play Music

Google Play Music lets you browse, shop, and play back songs purchased from the Google Play store app, as well as songs you have loaded from your own music library. The music you choose is automatically stored in your Google Music library and instantly ready to play or download.

Note: For information about loading music onto your phone, see Transfer Files Between Your Phone and


From home, tap Google Play Newsstand Apps > ■From home, tap  Apps >  Play Newsstand. Play Music.

Google Play Newsstand

With Google Play Newsstand, discover more of the news and magazines you care about all in one app on your phone. Enjoy breaking news and in-depth articles featuring audio and video. From sports, business, cooking, entertainment, fashion and more it is all in one place.

From home, tap Manual background Apps > Manual background Play Newsstand.

Apps and Entertainment


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Google Maps, Google Play Movies & TV, Google Play Music - Samsung