Caller Name ID, Clock, Cloud

Samsung Galaxy S III Developer Edition


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Caller Name ID

Caller Name ID

Subscribe to Caller Name ID to identify unknown callers by name, picture, city, and state.

Note: Caller Name ID requires a subscription.Touch Note: Caller Name ID requires a subscription. Caller Name ID.


Use your 8 megapixel camera feature to produce photos in aJPEG format. Your phone also functions as a Camcorder to record videos.

Touch �Touch  Caller Name ID.�Touch  Camera. Camera.For more information, refer to “Camera” on page 104.


The Clock application allows you to access alarms, view the World Clock, set a stopwatch, and use a timer.

Touch For more information, refer to “Camera” on page 104. Clock.The Clock application includes these features:Alarm: Create alarms to go off once, or to repeat.World Clock: Display the time and date in any time zone.Stopwatch: Record lap times.Timer: Measure elapsed time.Desk clock: Display the date and time in large format, foreasy viewing.


Use Verizon Cloud to back up and access information. You can use Verizon Cloud to transfer content between other devices that are sometimes running on different operating systems.

Touch Clock Cloud.

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Caller Name ID, Clock, Cloud - Samsung Galaxy S III Developer Edition