Help text, Face Unlock Options, Lock screen widgets, Presence check, Settings

Samsung Galaxy S III Developer Edition


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Help text: Show help information on the Lock screen.Wake up in lock screen: Requires you to say a command to wake-up your phone.

Set wake-up command: Designate your wake-up commands. Touch this option and follow the onscreen prompts to create a new verbal command.

Face Unlock Options

Lock screen widgets: Lock the widgets that are displayed on your home screens.

Improve facial recognition: Improve your device’s face matching capability by capturing your face in different lighting, with or without glasses, and bearded or clean-shaven. Follow the onscreen instructions.

Presence check: Requires you to blink when using the Face unlock feature. This will increase the security of the feature.

Lock automatically: The screen automatically locks five seconds after the screen turns off.

Lock instantly with power key: When enabled, the phone instantly locks when you press the Power key.

Auto factory reset: If you fail to enter the correct password after 10 attempts, a factory reset will be performed.

Pattern Options

Lock screen widgets: Lock the widgets that are displayed on your home screens.

Make pattern visible: See the pattern as you draw it.

Lock automatically: The screen automatically locks five seconds after the screen turns off.

Lock instantly with power key: When enabled, the phone instantly locks when you press the Power key.

Auto factory reset: If you fail to enter the correct password after 10 attempts, a factory reset will be performed.

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Help text, Face Unlock Options, Lock screen widgets, Presence check - Samsung