A | Apps Screen 43 | C |
Abc Mode 47 | customizing 128 | Calculator 130 |
About Phone 198 | B | Calendar 131 |
Accessories Settings 195 | Back Key 35 | Call Block 162 |
Accessories, Verizon 130 | Back Up 188 | Call Functions 67 |
Accounts | Backing up your data 188 | adjusting the call volume 76 |
adding 51, 190 | Battery | answering a call 71 |
setting up 51 | charging 11 | call back missed call 73 |
Adding an Account 51 | display percentage 13 | call duration 75 |
Airplane Mode 150 | installing 10 | call forwarding 80 |
Amazon Kindle 130 | low battery indicator 13 | call log 73 |
Android Beam 125, 158 | Blocking Mode 161 | correcting the number 68 |
Applications | Bluetooth 117 | dialing a recent number 69 |
using the Camcorder 109 | disconnecting 121 | ending a call 68 |
Applications Settings | pairing 120 | international call 68 |
running services 175 | sending contacts 122 | making a call 67 |
Apps | unpairing 121 | making a call from Contacts 69 |
accessing 129 | Bluetooth Profiles 118 | manual pause dialing 68 |
downloading and installing 127 | Bubble | options during a call 76 |
managing 127 | options 85 | saving a recent call number to |
uninstalling 128 |
| contacts 74 |
updating 127 |