Auto replacement, ON/OFF, Auto capitalization, Auto spacing, Keyboard swipe

Samsung Galaxy S III Developer Edition


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Auto replacement: Complete or replace the word you are typing with the most probable word when you touch the space bar. Touch the ON/OFF button to turn it ON Auto replacement.

Auto capitalization: Automatically capitalize the first letter of the first word in each sentence (standard English style).

Auto spacing: Automatically insert spaces between words.

Auto-punctuate: Automatically insert a full stop in a sentence by touching the space bar twice when using the onscreen QWERTY keyboard.

Keyboard swipeNone: Turn Keyboard swipe off.Continuous input: Type words by swiping between onscreen keys.Cursor control: Move the cursor by sliding your finger across the keyboard.
Key-tap feedbackSound: Enable or disable auditory feedback when you touch an onscreen key.Vibration: Vibrate the device when a key is touched.

Character preview: Provide an automatic preview of the current character selection within the text string. This is helpful when multiple characters are available within one key.

More settings

Tutorial: Learn about Samsung Keyboard.

Reset settings: Reset the keyboard settings back to their original configuration.


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Auto replacement, ON/OFF, Auto capitalization, Auto spacing, Tutorial - Samsung